11. Exercise 2: Solution

ND320 C3 L1 11 Exercise- Compute A Sinogram - Solution


First, apologies: I misspoke in the video above around the 0:22 mark where I say that “detector” is a single point. Of course, I meant “source”, when referring to the fact that in the real CT scanner the X-rays are cast in a fan shape from a very small area of the X-ray tube.

I hope this exercise was useful and helped you get a grasp on how a CT scanner is functioning. Note that in the exercise you have seen how a backprojection algorithm is used to build a single 2D slice through a patient’s body. Transition to 3D is made by stacking multiple such slices which are acquired in a relatively rapid succession (a few slices per second).

You can find the solution to this exercise in the repo here.

New Vocabulary

  • Sinogram: “raw” data generated by CT scanner. Images need to be reconstructed from it